Ramon Llull Visions de Randa

From ART vs ESCENE Workshop

Mireia Andreu

Cecília Aymí

Joan Bagès Rubí
Andrei Moldovan
Jaume Martínez

Roman Aixendri
Mireia Andreu
Rosa Palmer

Rebeca Royo
Vlad Pop
Andrei Moldovan
Laura Montañana
Cecília Aymí
Rosa Palmer
Roman Aixendri
Mireia andreu

1 hour

Lo Pati Art Center

Lo Pati Art Center, May 2016

I find it odd to grow at a time when the instincts are canceled by the word and reasoning. I hear talk about progress and freedom and every day I feel losing a part of me and it’s harder to move myself.

I confess that I like the animal of man: when he sweats when he feels pleasure when he twists on itself when he eats and when he fucks when he fights even when he exhales his last breath .

Everything is water is a show with two characters who drift their instincts to the limit and sink into the euphoria, the anxiety and pain, hatred and complicity, in life and death.

Theatrical performance for an actress (Performer), singer (soprano), electronic music and visuals in real time.